Can I Compete In A Treeless Saddle?

I get asked this from time to time. The simple answer is yes you can, just be aware of a couple of things.

If you opt for a class where the judge may ride, do not be offended if they decline. In the showing world, tradition calls for a treed saddle if showing.

Since the original was posted Thorn Saddle Pads have been accepted in the show ring for Shetlands and hard to fit ponies. The Solution and the Smart range is also seen on the show circuit, right up to Horse of Year show level.

For the Pony Club you may need to ask the DC if you are allowed to use the Thorn or equivalent pads, but I have seen more and more children/young adults using these.

You may be marked down for being in a treeless in the show ring in a less than traditional looking model. Some judges simply do not like them. If you want something traditional looking you will find that these days.

BD rules state that you can use a treeless saddle providing it is of a standard design, ie not western looking. If you want something traditional looking go for the Freeform, Barefoot or Sensation Dressage models.

We have had success in the Freeform Classic with the online BD accepted shows.

2015 championship
              2015 championship

Channeled Suede Horse / Pony Bareback Pad

These are made to order in California USA, they take about a month to do. You can have a western or english model with the option of personalised extras.

Available in plain colours or you can have a tri colour pad made should you wish. 🙂

The feature of these pads is that they offer a spinal clearance channel.

A leather Latigo is fitted over the top with a Latigo one side and off billet on the other. These have a non slip base and stainless steel rigging.

Triple E Rugged Ride Horse / Pony Bareback Pad

These can be made in the Southwest colours or plain cordura colours. Measures 26.5″, so do make sure this will suit your horse.

Contoured shape, neoprene non slip Base, felt filled for comfort with off billets and tie strap. The non slip girth can be changed and it comes with one as standard.

From the Big Apple, New York in the USA 🙂

Triple E Rugged Ride
 © Triple E Rugged Ride

Tough 1 Premium Horse / Pony Bareback Pad

There are two versions of these pads. One is the Premium, made from 600 denier nylon outer shell. D rings for bottles etc. Fleece underside and weight of just 3lbs.

The other has two detachable bags and five d rings for crupper etc.

Both come with stirrups and as always I do not recommend their use.

I would be worried about them being slippery from the rain but Patty from CA in the USA couldn’t recall when she had to worry about riding in the rain 🙂 These are made by Jt Intl Distributors Inc and probably aimed at countries that are not as wet as the UK.

Tough 1
© Tough 1