Baloun Bareback Pad

There are various dealers for this pad, Germany, Netherlands, Hungry.

The Trekking pad and Profi pads have the inclusion of a seat. The seat supports the lumber section of the riders back and they have two designs offering this.
Material, the upper material is made from non slip velour leather. The bottom of the pad is made of a foam with a special textile material resistant to the horse’s sweat. The pad is also perforated velour leather (top) and the underside is a perforated foam textile.
Non stirrup design.

No pad needed underneath, fits straight to the horse.
They also have non seat design with gel or just a basic pad.

It comes in children’s and adult sizes. These pads are measured similar to a treed saddle. It is nice to see a company offering size options up to an 18″ seat as some pads are just way too long.

 I really like the look of these. 

USA Western Bareback Pad- brand unknown


If anyone has an idea who made this please let me know. It was purchased from a seller in New York but it may or may not have started out in the states.

It is 22″ in length with a nice straight cut front. It has a sympanova type non slip base and a herculon top with Black Southwest/Nevada pattern. The top gives you a fairly secure feel to it. Lightly padded so ideal for those slightly rounder, plump cob steeds as it doesn’t remove your leg from them.

Optional fittings to add stirrups that I don’t like seeing on these products. Didn’t even attempt to use these.

Western latigo with rings requiring you to use a cinch knot as oppose to allowing you to add a standard buckle cinch. Nylon strap. This is the one big thing that let’s this pad down. Having those rings there ended up being underneath my leg.

However this is going to depend on your height, what you are riding and whether in the flat or hills. Having hills this was one reason to let this pad go, plus I already had another.


The Fitform Treeless Saddle

These do pop up for sale and some people still like them. I decided to include a bit about them, as they are 12 years old and still looking in good condition.

© Fitform Logo, photo used with permission

They are no longer made but they do give you give you a similar feel to the older Barefoot / Torsion and Randols. No twist.

They have a wooden cantle and pommel like the Torsion does. The pommel came in a medium or wide. These used to be available in leather and ranged from a 16″ to 18″

Whether the Barefoot pommel fits, I can’t say, I don’t know. Barefoot have altered these from white to coloured now. You might be able to try the soft.

I found an article dated 2001. Fitform for anyone interested in a review of one. It mentions two materials, but I honestly can’t recall anything other than leather 🙂

©Fitform, used with owner’s permission



Ghost Treeless Saddle

I have a 13hh New Forest pony, with a fairly flat, short back, and virtually no withers. This has made it very difficult to find a saddle that fits her, and I have had problems with every treedsaddle


I’ve tried. Having thought about it for several years, I finally decided to give treeless a go after a nasty fall out hacking, when my pony shied at some cows and spun round, causing my saddle to slip sideways and dump me on the ground at speed.

After a great deal of research and review reading, I decided to trial a Ghost standard. I feel that I’ve found the solution to my fitting problems. Virtually every aspect of the Ghost is adjustable, including seat size, panel position, stirrup position and girth position. You can even buy different seats, without needing a whole new saddle, if you fancy a change of colour or style. Use of the right pads (I am using the Ghost pad with Thinline pad) means the saddle doesn’t slip, and I have even popped a couple of small jumps in it with no problems. It is an extremely comfortable saddle, much more so than any of my treed ones have been, and I felt I could have ridden all day on a recent hack. We have walked, trotted, cantered, galloped with no problems, and it’s so nice to feel secure at speed!

My pony is moving much more freely, and is no longer tense and hollow during transitions. She no longer objects to being saddled either, so it seems to have her stamp of approval. Because it is so adjustable, I have also tried the Ghost on my 15.3 hh youngster. She is only lightly backed so we haven’t given it a thorough testing together, but she seemed very happy in it too. She has a good set of withers, and we had no problems with wither clearance at all.

Overall, I feel the Ghost is excellent value for money – highly adjustable, suitable for use on a range of horses, and very comfortable for the rider. I have to add that customer service from is second to none, very patient and friendly. Thank you to them for helping to solve my saddling problems!

Ez Fit Treeless Saddle

Eze Fit Modelled By Shorty

Eze Fit
Eze Fit

I swear by the EZ fit. With the panels on the outside I can mount up my no wither donkeys without the saddle moving at all. Skito pad and a mohair or neoprene girth. Swear by it!

Photo of Shorty a small mammoth donkey.

I bought this saddle in February 2010 after researching on the net about a suitable saddle to accommodate my young Quarter Horse whilst he was growing and provide a functional and comfortable saddle for both of us. He was rising 2 at the time so it was really just for groundwork purposes at that point.

These saddles are made to order by the Amish saddle Eli Beiler, so it is possible to have it in quite a vast range of colours and either with a suede seat or leather seat. You can also choose rigging (english or western centre fire rigging) and what style stirrups and leathers you have. They supply either english leathers, western leathers (about twice the thickness of english ones) or fenders. Stirrup wise you can choose from regular steel irons, endurance style caged stirrups or western style bell stirrups. I fell in love with a photograph of a saddle with tan leather and a blue ostrich leather seat so decided to go with a copy of that one, but with western fenders and stirrups. This saddle is rather unusual in its looks with the buckle system at the rear of the saddle but I think it is rather stylish.

The ingenious thing about these saddles is that they are incredibly adjustable. You can adjust where the stirrup hangers are, where the girth rigging is so you can achieve ultimate stability and also adjust the seat size to get the most comfortable set up for you and your horse. The adjustments are made underneath the seat which is stuck down with heavy duty velcro and fastened down at the rear by the funky buckles. There are inbuilt measurement guides under the seat to ensure you get everything even on both sides, which is a handy feature.

I tested this saddle on my 17 year old Shire x, who is 16hh and takes an xx-wide tree’d saddle which is forever slipping. In 9 years of ownership we haven’t ever found a saddle that didn’t slip. This saddle has a non-slip material on the underneath which is great for stopping the pad from slipping. I have been told you can also use it without a pad in some instances but my riding horse is fussy and doesn’t like grippy materials next to his skin so we used my Professional’s Choice Air Ride pad underneath. The interior of the saddle is close cell foam (including the pommel) so it will mould to fit most horses and to my joy it did stretch enough to fit my wide horse comfortably!!

I have to say I am very impressed with this saddle. We have ridden up and down hills on awkward ground and have had the odd spook and this saddle hasn’t moved an inch. It is incredibly stable! My horse will also rein back and turn on his haunches now which is something he never used to be comfortable doing. He will also stretch down in all paces and he never trips which is something he used to do on a regular basis. From a rider’s point of view it rides very much like a tree’d western saddle, and for surprisingly does have quite a twist, especially as the test subject is almost as wide as he is tall! The pommel doesn’t get in the way when posting to the trot although I keep my rises small. My hips are totally ache free and I also oddly do not get saddle sore in this saddle. It can only be good!

I have recently purchased a 6 year old Quarter Horse who was unbroken and this saddle has been used on him for his groundwork and backing, it also fits him well and he seems very comfortable in it. In fact I look forward to riding all our horses in it!

Eze fit
Eze fit


Dream Treeless Saddle


The above saddle was the original prototype that was made before the launch. I had it to test ride when Dream contacted me. It came with the Equitex pad,  girth and Barnes Buckle.

The only alterations between that and the eventual saddle, was the cantle was lowered.

I got on really well with it. It was a secure feeling saddle and I would have one if I could justify that I needed two treeless for my needs. Though every cob needs two don’t they. 🙂

Colour I personally prefer the brown, the black does appear to suffer with sun bleach. I realise as saddles gets used etc they can discolour, however my Freeform is 7years old and hasn’t changed at all. My only minor point on this otherwise well made item.


I use my 17″ saddle with the Equitex HW pad or the Dream Universal Square. I have used it on various horses including a 20 year old tbx that was cold backed. A 15.2hh cobx that was very wide! We went hunting and xc in the Dream.



The young 5yr old I had on loan was a cobxtb, the saddle allowed for his changing shape and I went hunting, xc, local showing dressage and the Blenheim fun ride.
I now have a 16hh tb ex racer, who has been off work for over a year, so I started him treeless in the Dream.

I have had a Dream Team for 3 years now. It is so comfortable, but it has slipped round during a fast spin on a newly broken horse, although the recommended saddle pad was being used and the girth was tight. Mind you, I think that any treeless would have slipped!

I would recommend it for normal horses, but for young or spooky horses I now use my ‘HP Australian Stock Saddle’ as it does not slip and is very secure.
I use the Dream Team as the first saddle that I put on them as it is so light and comfortable for the horse.
All in all I would say that it is the best treeless I have tried and I have tried quite a few.

Treeless Saddle By Echo


I’ve just purchased the new Dream Saddle for my 3 year old NF/Warmblood cross.

I’d looked at quite a lot of treeless saddles as conventional saddles didn’t look like they were going to fit him in his present state (no withers, flat backed and still growing!).

I like the more traditional design of the new Dream Saddle.

Dream were very helpful, wanted lots of pictures of him before recommending the saddle/pad/girthing combination they thought would be best.

Saddle arrived yesterday and I shot down the yard with it to put on him. Also managed to get a “test ride” on it on my friends NF. It DOES feel really wide, but that is common in all treeless I think, particularly on wide horses, but it was very comfortable and felt very secure. I think it will be better once it’s settled to my and his shape, even though the leather is lovely the soft it still feels very “new” and stiff at the moment.

He’s off for backing in September so I’ll let you know how it goes!


I posted a while ago about the new Dream Team saddle that I’d ordered for backing my youngster. He’s now in his last week at the backing yard and I have ridden in the Dream Saddle a couple of times.

I have to say it is a lovely saddle. I am still getting used to the fact that it looks so BIG on him, but as with most treeless they are a little longer than conventional saddles and the skirt on the Dream Team Saddle are quite long, so not best suited to those with short legs! As you can see from the picture it’s not too bad for myself and him as my legs are quite long on him.

The saddle is great, hasn’t slipped and I think will only get better as it moulds to his shape. It is really secure, having knee rolls and so ideal for riding a green horse, plus the deep seat makes you feel pretty safe too. My RI mounted from the floor in it quite happily (I’m a little older and less springy so I used a mounting block), but it hardly moved.

Its ridden with Dream Team’s own pad which is very nice and has the gullet in it. I do have a Barefoot Cherokee coming on trial soon just as a comparison, but at present I’m loving the dream team!”

I have 2 Dream Team saddles and they are great. I have had other makes before but these are the best I have tried. The horses like them too. I have backed youngsters, ridden them out in them for the first time and they are so secure. Vicky

I have a very wide, flat backed welsh sec d x with a huge shoulder who has always been very difficult to fit, at one point I had 2 decent treed saddles to fit him, a gp and a dressage saddle that were professionally fitted and we were both happy with. However in the summer of 2008 he had an accident and was off work for a few months, ever since then no treed saddle has been quite right and I was starting to despair. My mum got a libra saddle to try early last year for her arab who is still developing muscle and suggested I try it on my horse, she put it on him anyway and rode him herself. The difference in his way of going was immediate – his movement was free, he was going forwards nicely, he looked soft and just happy so I gave it a go and I had a different horse on my hands. In the last year he has become a different horse to ride, he is so easy and he loves his schooling again, we have both made lots of progress with our dressage and even hacking out he seems much happier, he is better behaved and I feel more secure. Last year was the first time since I got him that he had no problems with his back, he was nicely muscled and more even than he has ever been so I decided to do some research and buy myself a good quality leather treeless one which is when I came across the Dream Team range. I liked how it looked like a conventional saddle but the seat is in between a conventional saddle and a treeless one and I can honestly say it is the comfiest thing I have ever sat on, the seat is soft and spongy, im not sure if it is filled with memory foam but it feels that way. The leather is of excellent quality, its soft and supple and feels like it will last a lifetime and the underside is thick and luxurious wool which must be lovely on the horses back. It has a built in gullet to give room above the horses spine, i have tried other treeless saddles like this and felt somewhat perched on top of the horse but the Dream saddle settles quickly and molds to the horses shape so you feel nice and close and ‘with’ the horse. The saddle is specified for ‘jumping and hacking’ but i plan to use it for everything, mainly flatwork schooling for which it is more than suitable and puts you in a good position, although I have not yet jumped in it I feel secure and comfortable enough in it to do so and the knee rolls are velcro so you can move them to suit or remove them altogether. The saddle looks really good, im sure it will look much better when I get my horse back into work and get rid of his belly. I would be very interested in buying a straighter cut/dressage version when they are available as I concentrate more on dressage than anything else and a straighter cut would look better on my horse but that’s just being picky. This is a really good quality saddle which I bought at the introductory price but it is easily worth more, I am really happy with it and so is my horse along with everyone else on the yard who were as eager to have a shot of it as I was. I was also really impressed with the service I received from the staff at Dream Team products who were very helpful, friendly and informative and I even received my saddle the day after it was ordered despite the weather and being at the opposite end of the country so I really can’t recommend them highly enough. Thanks, Adele

Launch of Dream Information

Dream Team Products, the Specialists in treeless saddles, launches its own saddle! DREAM SADDLE – A Treeless Saddle with English flaps; Knee rolls at a Dream Price. Jack and Karen, the saddle testers.

A TREELESS SADDLE specially designed for Hacking and Jumping: Over ten years experience with Italian made Torsion treeless saddles has led Dream Team Products to design their own saddle. Bringing the proven designs of a Torsion style seat together with English style flaps, combining optimal fit for the horse and maximum comfort for the rider. This saddle not only has features that an active rider asks for but also has a price to dream of. This saddle features everything a treeless saddle enthusiast enjoys plus English flaps & Knee rolls. • A flexible saddle offering highest comfort level for horse and rider • Very affordable as it changes shape, either from one horse to another or • It changes shape with your horse’s level of training • Quality leather and workmanship – soft already from the first ride • Combines best design features for comfort and looks • Soft padded cushioning and a Torsion style pommel provides a Feel-Save-Seat • Traditional, English looking flaps with removable knee rolls • Dressage style girth straps for closer leg contact • Available in 16” or 17”, black or brown soft calf leather The DREAM SADDLES will be available directly from DREAM TEAM PRODUCTS. With over ten years experience with treeless saddles, the team at DREAM TEAM PRODUCTS is more than happy to help you choose the right accessories for your horse/pony. They have increased the choice of dressage style girths and will be able to offer a budget girth from £20 to the best-you-can-buy Torsion girth for £99, and various good alternatives in between. A special DREAM PAD designed by Equitex, Italian’s specialist for treeless pads, will be available for the DREAM SADDLE in two styles. An already well known High Wither style and a Standard Flat Backed style. These Pads have been specially shaped and designed to suit the DREAM SADDLE. Help is on hand assessing which style Pad would be more suitable for your horse or pony. As usual the staff at DREAM TEAM PRODUCTS can assist you in making an informed decision. DREAM TEAM PRODUCTS – the Specialists for treeless Saddles For more information visit our Web site on or contact us on 08450 725 765

Black Forest Treeless Saddle


Black Forest
Black Forest
Rosewood Ebony western by Black Forest
Black Forest
Black Forest

Lovely comfortable saddle.

Black Forest Shasta


I have a black forest town & country leather version western rigged and my horse & i LOVE it!!! We ride at times some extremely challenging terrain & this saddle has held up great! We ride with a Haf pad and have always had nice even dry spots along the spine & wither area, no rubs, galling, or welts. Saddle stays put pretty good even climbing nearly straight up a pit wall where my legs were literally over my 14 hand mustangs rump 🙂 We have jumped fallen trees some as high as 3 1/2 -4 foot, maneuvered slippery rocky slopes, crossed swamps, galloped wide open in the fields, wiggled our way through brush & tight spots and have not come across any troubles yet! My horse has not complained to me at all & i feel secure and comfortable in the saddle 🙂

Black Forest
Black Forest

Kola Waste’ is a 14 hand short backed, minimally withered , compact spanish mustang, i do not ride very often with a breast collar & never tried a crupper , although there have been a couple of steep down grades i feel a crupper would have helped a bit , as the saddle with my weight wanted to slide forward a bit…but these grades were extremely steep where the horses but was well above his head…all other hills with gradual declines, we never had an issue, only the STEEP ones!

The town & country has a suede underside which is great as it really sticks to the pad you are using, has enough d-rings for my liking, real nice contact with the horse..not nearly as bulky as many of the other treeless saddles i have tried. The seat just hugs you in and i have never come home sore, i feel my horses every move and even tho i have been riding for 30 years, i feel my riding skills have improved even more 🙂 My only suggestion is that if you are new to riding treeless & you get a town & country, to either wear some suede chaps or request the suede seat cover from the company as the leather seat can feel a bit slippery until you are used to it.

Black Forest
Black Forest

Bandos Treeless Saddle


I ride my mare in a treeless Bandos saddle. I love it. I’d tried at least ten different saddles, and nothing fit her – either a bad sweat pattern after a ride, or white hairs down the road. A pad specifically made for treeless saddles is an absolute must, because that is what distributes the rider’s weight. Riding treeless does feel different, and I think you’ll either love it or hate it. My mare is a TB with pretty good withers, a short back, and large shoulder muscles.

These do come up for sale secondhand, I have seen them for sale with the Barefoot seat which some people feel is a bit softer than the original.


Bareback Saddle Pad

One of my favourite pads when I had the pony size. Look forward to photos of you and your horse having fun.

Avandarre In Dressage

I am now the proud owner of a bareback saddle pad!! My Hubby bought it for me after my last post. Woo Hoo!!

This is what my new BB pad looks like, but in navy blue. There’s a water bottle holder on the other side.

I tried it out on Ava first. Let me preface this by saying I haven’t ridden bareback in well over a year, and that was back when I was in tip-top shape and had actual balance. Now, I’m way out of shape and have a definite lack of balance (I’m all over the dang place even in a saddle).

I was trepidatious about riding bareback even with a bareback pad. Ava has been rather naughty lately. Nothing too horrible, but she seems to think there are only two gears: speed-walking, or gallop. Anything else is met by a small tantrum. And Ava has decided that only Ava will…

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